Image from the North America Gallery
Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone.


Water superheated from the deep earth below, when reaching the surface cools and sinks. This convection current of water provides the thermophiles that live there with life energy. Thermophiles in the hottest areas have a yellow or clear cast, while those in the cooler parts have a green, orange or brown hue.


Native Americans were the first to discover the Yellowstone basin over 10,000 years ago. Many tribes would pass through but it is believed that only one spent winters there, the Tukudika. Winter is very harsh in Yellowstone; in May we still had snow and hail. On the 1st March 1872 it was made the world's first national park. It has an abundance of wildlife with bison roaming all over the park year round, elk, moose, grizzlies, and wolves, to name but a few others.
Focal length in 35mm film not available  ISO Not known  shutter speed not available