Licensing and Copyright

Copyright is a form of protection granted by law for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works.

The original authorship of this website ( and all of its content is protected by copyright. This includes writings, artwork, photographs, and all other content. David Barker is the sole owner and author and copyright owner.

Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects my original works of authorship including literary and artistic works, such as images photographic or otherwise, video, computer software, this web site and its architecture.

Copyright and its related rights are essential to human creativity, by giving creators incentives in the form of recognition and fair economic rewards. Under this system of rights, creators are assured that their works can be disseminated without fear of unauthorized copying or piracy. This in turn helps increase access to and enhances the enjoyment of culture, knowledge, and entertainment all over the world. – direct quote from the EU Copyright Office (

All Rights Reserved copyright © 2014-2024 David Barker

You are welcome to download images for the express use of displaying them on screen on your personal computer as long as it is not being used for commercial or public viewing purposes. Linking to an image from this web sites pages is permitted as long as your web site is for personal use only and is not for commercial use or profit. Each linked image must have proper attribution and credit to David Barker owner and author stated with the image.

Students are welcome to download images and words incorporating them into not for profit reports and presentations as long as proper credit to David Barker owner and author is given, no further permission is required.

Attribution and credit for any use of my images or other content should take the form of – “All Rights Reserved copyright © David Barker author and owner”

Questions about and pricing for commercial use should be directed to David Barker Consent must be given by myself in email form prior to use. In your email please indicate the image name (hovering over the image should give the file name), state the desired use for the image (where, when and for how long displayed).

Any commercial use without prior consent is a violation of International copyright law.