We’ll finally make it to Lillooet tonight (Sea to Sky part 3)

Once Whistler is behind you and you’re getting closer to Pemberton where the Sea to Sky Highway comes to an end. Even though the highway, Highway 99, continues on to Lillooet things start to become more rural and the mountains give way to glacial plains for a short while before the next mountain range rises up to greet you, and you know you’ll be going over it.

However, because you’re caught between these great masses of rock, the rivers, cascades and waterfalls are bubbling away beside you as you walk and drive the trails and roads. Glaciers can be seen amid the high mountain saddles, sadly much faded from when we first saw them some years past.

Duffey Lake, D’Arcy, perfect for a swim

After many stops we make it through to the BC Hydro campsite just outside Lillooet and break for tea around dusk on the banks of Seaton Lake. Tomorrow we’ll be up early to pack up and catch the School train/ bus to Seton Portage.

Seton Lake at dusk after tea

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